Over the next few months we will be introducing some key members of the SNOAP family so that you can meet them and find out more about what makes SNOAP tick. As the founder of the brand, the logical place to start is with Lisa Hicks, aka Lady SNOAP. Lisa is the CEO, Head SNOAPY and a general all-round, get-stuff-done kind of woman.

SNOAPYS who read our blog regularly will know why Lady SNOAP founded the brand, but read on for some insights into the face behind (and in front) of the brand.

Who is Lisa?
Well, Lisa hasn’t always been a crusader of making choices for change and ditching single use plastic (although as an adult she has always been conscious of the environment and the need to curate our planet for future generations to come). In her ‘previous life’, Lisa was a corporate warrior, carving out her own path through a stuffy and crowded field to emerge as a high-flyer; both a leader and a do-er. She’s also rather fond of scuba-diving and anything to do with the outdoors - a passion that she has passed on to the next generation of SNOAP.

Having achieved her professional and personal goals in the corporate world, Lisa was living in Hong Kong with her husband, Antony and their three children when she decided it was time for a new challenge. Despite going on to set up and run a successful personal training business, the family missed the UK, so they returned to live in Wales, where Lisa began building a property portfolio. At the same time, she also became the exclusive UK distributor for a cosmetics brand and the family settled into a new routine.

A brand is born
Along came COVID and a global lockdown and as you will probably already know, Lisa’s research on single use plastics in the UK and on a wider global scale horrified her, along with the growing plastic mountain in the family recycle bin. The rest, as they say is history. Lisa decided to change her choices; she started ordering milk from the local dairy, delivered in returnable and reusable glass bottles. She began using cellulose dish sponges, coconut-hair cleaning brushes, bamboo toilet paper and essential oil surface cleaner - the list of planet friendly products grew quickly as the family’s plastic usage shrank.

These things were great for the house, but various personal care products that were on the market proved to be unsuitable for the family. Despite spending hours searching online for a suitable hybrid product that could provide the convenience of a liquid dispenser AND the eco benefits of a solid soap, Lisa couldn’t find what she was looking for. So, in true can-do style, she invented her own! That’s how the SNOAP brand was born and Lady SNOAP was both proud and relieved to not be contributing to the staggering global plastic waste mountain (1.8 billion single-use plastic bottles per year, just in the UK, come from soap, shower gel/body wash and shampoo products alone).

For the uninitiated, SNOAP is a solid soap dispenser that offers all the benefits of a liquid dispenser PLUS all the skin-friendly, eco-friendly and cost-friendly benefits of solid. Switching to SNOAP will improve the condition of your skin and hair, save space, not use single-use plastic, produce cleaner waste water AND save you MONEY.

There you have it - that’s Lady SNOAP in a nutshell! If you’ve got the bottle to change your choices, start your SNOAPY journey today at https://snoap.com

Until the next time,

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